Friday, December 20, 2013

One Year Anniversary!

Can you believe it?

It's been one year!

It's been a busy & crazy year, but WE MADE IT!!!

Looking forward to life settling down...just a bit ;)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Birthday Girl!

We had a very happy birthday!

L was very excited & busy all day telling everyone, "It's my birthday!"
We let her pick out her present (no surprises work better for us.)
I was worried that she would be displeased when she received it, but guess what? It was exactly what she wanted :) Everything went well! She had a small party with a few friends, a craft & cupcakes. Although her anxiety was high, she had a great time. We are learning that simple right now is better!

Last year we saw her 2 weeks before her birthday & then picked her up 3 weeks after her birthday. We were able to leave a card & chocolate for her & O. This year, we got to spend her birthday as a family. There are only a few things left to experience for the first time as we come up on our year anniversary!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our Vacation

As we pack for our first family vacation, L is scared. We see some old behaviors from her initial months home that we thought were long gone. This is a clue that although she puts up a good front, she is still  scared, still worried & still can throw on her game face in a flash. Below is a list of her words as the day to leave approaches.

L's worries-

Dad will get fired because we took a vacation
When we go to the beach, we won't have food
That the sand will hurt her
Scared of creatures in water
She might get sick in the car
Where will everyone Sleep
That Grandma's house has no beds
She will miss the pets
She will miss the house
That she will not come back home

We have returned!

Overall, the trip went well. L did regress at times, grab a few tricks out of her old bag, get jealous, get sad, have a few meltdowns, freak out a bit...BUT, we were able to have fun, do all the things we set out to do & the world didn't end! It's all about expectations.

One of the days, we went to the beach. It reminded me of another day at the beach, when I was a little girl. I wanted so badly to play in the waves. I remember being excited, but also afraid. My mother noticed. She came over to me. I could see her smiling, coaxing me to come into the water. The waves crashed & I ran. She laughed. She came out of the water to hold my hand. She walked with me. The next wave came. I fell down & began crying again. She then picked me up & held me. Slowly, the waves became less scary. Eventually, it became fun, in the safety of my mother's arms.

I miss my mom. She died 16 years ago.

L & O miss their first mom, too. They want so badly to participate in life, but are so very afraid.

This is my promise to them:
I won't give up on you.
I will be there when you cry, when you're scared & when you want to run away.
I will help you face your fears.
I will walk with you, hold your hand & pick you up when you can't do it alone.
My hope is that one day you will both realize that you don't have to be scared anymore.
Life can be good. Life can be fun.

I can't wait until our next vacation...

Friday, September 20, 2013

9 months in...

The Little O

We knew our son enough at 9 months to realize that he was terrified...absolutely terrified...of everything.
Looking back, there were some things we missed:
He didn't talk.
He didn't do anything to cause trouble.
He was a good quiet boy who mostly played in the corner.
He always played where he could see us, but was far enough away to escape if needed.
He was still delayed in language, apparently both languages.
Our primary focus shifted to making him feel safe before all else.

Mom Update

I've Struggled. I've struggled more than hubby. I have a repeating cycle of ups & downs. Thank goodness dh works from home because I have relied on him much more than I imagined I would. I sometimes sneak into his office for a quick break hoping no one saw me. Sometimes I send a kid into his office when I can't deal with their problem/issue/drama at that moment.
I've found it difficult to write at times. I'm not sure what I'll want to remember & what I'd rather forget.

Life feels a lot like when I first became a mom:
House a mess
Catching naps just to make it thought the day.

We are planning our first family vacation. It's crossed my mind that this might be a bad idea. I have heard some horror stories. There's only one way to find out...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Love is a Verb- 6 months home

It is no coincidence that I've been silent for the last few months. Life has been busy :) Introducing two older kids to our family of three slightly older kids has had its share of challenges. Have you ever heard anyone say "you should adopt older kids, they're easier?" No, no one does because they're not. Not only do you have to teach them, but you also need to unteach them as well. Everyone in our family has had changes & transitions. They are learning our ways & we have been learning theirs. We are becoming a family. It's a process. It can't be rushed. 

Although our new kids are not babies, in many ways we started over like they were. Temporarily, schedules were cleared, outings postponed, life was simplified. All was traded for spending time w/ one another before the treadmill of life called us back. 

So, what have we been up to?
  • Learning English
  • Getting used to automatic faucets, toilets & hand dryers
  • Being excited about riding elevators & escalators
  • Discovering why doors open & close by themselves
  • Getting used to having "stuff" & sharing "stuff"
  • Trying new foods- some are very yummy, others are not
  • Being retrained to actually throw the toilet paper in the toilet
  • Learning to trust
  • Coloring, drawing, pasting & painting
  • Telling stories about life in Russia, the orphanage & before the orphanage
  • Learning how to be gentle & take care of pets
  • Learning how to be nice & play nice
  • Making friends
  • Playing at the park
  • Learning to listen to mom & dad
  • Swimming at the pool
  • Learning to ride bikes
  • Reading lots of books & watching almost as much tv
  • Being excited to help out in the kitchen
  • Learning that the kitchen has hot things in it
  • Remembering that hard wood floors can be very slippery
  • Mastering the remote controls & the Wii
  • Realizing that Americans are crazy obsessed w/ brushing their teeth
  • Exploring the wonderment of Legos & puzzles
  • Deciding that having five kids in one family can be lots of fun
  • Lastly, that there's ALWAYS enough food for all of us

We have had good days & bad days. Days that were easy & days when I wasn't sure I would make it though. We have been helped, supported & encouraged by so many. Friends have blessed us w/ meals, clothing, house cleaning, play dates & babysitting. We have struggled. But, the reward is great! We have been overcome w/ hope. We have seen progress. We will continue to have our ups & downs.  We are halfway through our first year home & I can see a small light at the end of the tunnel.

In all honestly, I could not have made it the past 6 months w/o my husband & prayer...lots of it! What I've learned is that love is a verb. It is making beds, doing laundry, feeding mouths & teaching/correcting all day long. I'd be lying if I said that it has been easy. It hasn't. It's work & honestly some days I don't feel like it. But, on those days I drag myself out of bed & do the laundry & feed the mouths & someone will look into my eyes. For a moment, I see them, only them.  In that moment, I don't have to deal w/ their wounds that need to be healed or their issues that need to be addressed. I see them for the person that God made them. Instantly, a rainbow bursts through my clouds & I know what I am doing matters. It matters to two little people. It matters to God. It matters to me.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Taking a breath...trip 3 posts done!

It's been 90 days since we left for trip 3 & I have just finished all the blog posts...finally. It's been busy around here (understatement.) I knew it would be after we came home w/ 2 new kiddos. I actually had all my entries done before we left Russia. I had meticously written down things that happened or things they said each & every day. I knew at such an emotional time that I wouldn't remember all the details. I didn't want to forget a single thing.

Unfortunately, we were exhausted by the last day in Moscow. We let the kids play games on the IPad. At some point, when we weren't watching, someone must have deleted my notes. Hours of work gone. Details lost forever. I discovered this on the plane ride home when I decided to proof everything so I could post upon arrival...but, they were nowhere to be found. I was devastated. It may seem silly to you, but I was truly overcome w/ grief. I couldn"t do anything to replace what was lost.

It really surprised me how immobilized I became. I didn't want to start the posts again. I wanted back what I already had done. It took weeks for me to begin to write my old post entries. Even though I knew that w/ each passing day I was forgetting little details of the trip, exactly what I wanted to avoid in the first place, I still couldn't bring myself to do the task. But, I found myself w/ no other choice, & had to start over. Finally, I realized that this is not unlike what my new kids are doing right now- trying to overcome & redo life. Things happened to them that they had no control over. They find themselves now in a new family, in a new nation & everything is new, too.

At some point in our lives, things will not go the way we planned. We find ourselves in a circumstance we may have never intended. Eventually, we all have to make the decision to overcome & move on. So, here I am finally. I can't say that these blogs posts are better or worse than the original ones, but this is what I have to offer...& I'm OK w/ that. Enjoy!

P.S. trip 3 posts begin on 12/10/12

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

60 day check-in

Favorite things?

L- This cake is yummy yummy. Russian cake is no yummy yummy. (We made a chocolate cake w/ white frosting)

O- Machina game!!! (He loves Mario Cart on the Wii)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

30 day check-in

What do you like about America?

L- There are many yummy foods.
 O- and lots of good books, too!